Sunday, December 5, 2010


Hey all you BFAs/MFAs--good luck on your crits/reviews this week! Just remember, those of you being reviewed or in the audience, control your crit. Think about what YOU might want from the crits, and try to get feedback on that. Also, don't be afraid to ask someone to explain something further if you don't understand what they said at first. Getting a crit from the whole faculty and peers is an AMAZING opportunity, so take advantage of it! Time flies, so try to get the most out of it. It doesn't have to be feisty to be productive, but you also need to be prepared to stick up for yourself. Also, if you are a peer in the audience, chime in! Don't let those profs hog the mic!
Would love to be there, but I hope you all can fill us all in with triumphs and failures on the blog if possible.
Thanks again to Ian for posting so many nice pics from the BFA show. It really looked great!

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