So I woke up this morning and learned these things from the NY Times:
1) North and South Korea had just launched artillery at each other
2) Paul Krugman thinks the economy will stay this bad, and probably get worse, most of all because Republicans will block any attempt to keep the ship from sinking further
3) Yet U.S. corporate profits in the third quarter of this year were the highest EVER
4) Bob Herbert illustrated how JFK's call to sacrifice for the sake of the country is a long-lost notion, with none of our current political leaders asking enough or inspiring people to think beyond challenges and actually hope for some dignity in this country
5) There are still 2 wars going on that we are involved in
6) I think you get the point...
And then I tried to go to the studio, but thought: what's the point, what am I doing? And I thought, who would ever engage in an arcane practice that provides no practical service to anyone, geared towards a minute audience? Why would someone do that? Who could possibly think that makes sense? So then I wondered who might convince me otherwise? Are there really people who still might try to ride a 64,000 ton dinosaur into the sunset in a race against a Ferrari? And then I realized that I used to know SEVERAL young people who were foolish enough to try such a thing....and I realized that I used to look at what those people were doing; and I used to give them a hard time about it, because I thought that if they're crazy enough to try such an audacious thing, I should try and help them do it as best they could; and I used to share beer with these people; and I enjoyed all of it; and I MISS those people...
Anyone there? Anyone want to make a case for riding a dinosaur? If so, post some images, or text, or video, or both...
In all firrilzness, I have been thinking of everyone and hope you are doing well, and I thought I'd make a blog where anyone interested could post some imagery, get some feedback, and open up for comments from anyone. We could even schedule a Skype studio visit if you're interested...